CMNA XII - Montpellier

Monday, 27 August 2012


CMNA 12 was again with ECAI, in Montpellier, France.

A set of three invited talks presented three papers accepted to the main ECAI conference, on argumentation:

Elena Cabrio and Serena Villata - "Natural Language Arguments: A Combined Approach"

Alice Toniolo, Tim Norman and Katia Sycara - "An empirical study of argumentation schemes for deliberative dialogue

Matthias Thimm - "A Probabilistic Semantics for Abstract Argumentation"

Accepted papers were:

Mare Koit. Developing Software for Training Argumentation Skills.

Ioan Alfred Letia and Adrian Groza -  Interleaved argumentation and explanation in dialog.

Leila Amgoud and Henri Prade. Natural language argumentation in face of AI models.

Magdalena Wolska. The Language of Learner Proof Discourse: A Corpus Study on the Variety of Linguistic Forms.

Floris Bex and Douglas Walton. Combining Explanation and Argumentation in Dialogue.

Bin Wei and Henry PrakkenAn analysis of critical-link semantics with variable degrees of justification.

Adam WynerQuestions, Arguments, and Natural Language Semantics.

Patrick Saint-DizierSome Aspects of a Preliminary Analysis of Argumentation in Western Tonal Music.

Helmut HoracekTowards Bridging Between Natural Language Representations and Logic-Based Representations of Natural Arguments.

Bin Wei and Henry PrakkenDefining the structure of arguments with AI models of argumentation.